At the time when the foundations were laid for what today is known as Polmos S.A., the city of Bielsko-Biała consisted of two separate parts. The two urban organisms; Bielsko, which belonged to Silesia and Biała- situated within the borders of Little Poland, were split by the Białka River. Both were renowned for their distilling traditions. In 1827 in Biała Stock’s Distillery of Vodkas, Cognacs and Vermouth was established, while in the Silesian Bielsko Jerzy Jenkner & Co. set up The Distillery of Superior Vodkas and Liqueurs. The first one produced mainly liqueurs and vermouth and specialised in the distillation of wine, as well as storing and bottling of cognacs, whereas Jenker & Co was known for its wide range of products such as Markowy Starowin, Żytniówka Polska and Koniak Medicinal.
In 1924 newly established Polish Spirits Monopoly took over all spirits refining plants in Poland. The Monopoly possessed sole rights to produce and market pure vodkas and spirits. At the end of World War II operational group of the communist Economic Committee took control over Jenkner’s and Stock’s and began work on the production of vodka for the army. At the end of April 1945, 35 employees started work in the production Then, the plant was handed over by the Soviet authorities to the Excise and Monopoly Office in Bielsko. In October 1945 it was taken over by the delegation of the National Spirits Monopoly from Kraków. The nationalised plant was renamed as The Plant of Brand Vodkas of the National Spirit Monopoly in Bielsko, with a branch in Biała.
In the middle of 1946 production began in the newly renovated buildings, with the overall production staff of 138 employees. At the beginning the technology was rather primitive and thus time-consuming as well as cumbersome: the bottle was immersed in a wooden bath and hand-washed with a brush.
Bottling and capping bottles were also done manually. After a period of technical difficulties, since the early 50’s the plant enjoyed a period of rapid development. In 1957 it began to produce Śliwowica Paschalna under the constant supervision of the Jewish Congregation. The next stage of dynamic development in the 60s made the plant renowned at home and abroad. Showcase products of this period were – Śliwowica, Krupnik, Advocaat, Jarzębiak, Soplica. The plant in Bielsko was the first in Poland to produce kosher vodkas such as: Żytniówka, Nissovka, Travka and previously mentioned Śliwowica Paschalna.
Establishment of The Silesian Plant of Brand Vodkas
In 1991 The Silesian Plant of Brand Vodkas in Bielsko-Biala was established in the aftermath of the shutdown of Polmos Spirits Industry. The investment in technology resulted in rise of the position of the plant, which became a leading manufacturer in terms of quality and quantity of alcoholic products in the country.
In the second half of 1991 the plant launched the production of new vodkas according to its own recipes. The year of 1998 proved to be a turning point for the plant. The Silesian Distillery of Brand Vodkas was the first in the alcohol industry to create a professional team of commercial sales support and exposition of products in retail stores, wholesalers and supermarket chains. In October 1998 The Silesian Distillery of Brand Vodkas as one of the first Polmos plants was privatised and transformed into a sole shareholder company of the Treasury. Due to the division of all Polish Polmos brands in July 1999 The Silesian Distillery of Brand Vodkas POLMOS S.A. became the legal owner of the Extra Żytnia trademark.
In October 2014 the name of The Silesian Distillery of Brand Vodkas was changed to POLMOS S.A. Bielsko-Biala.