About company
Polmos Bielsko-Biala SA is a leading producer of the best alcoholic products in Poland. For our products we use only carefully selected ingredients of the highest quality. We are distinguished by high standards, and thanks to continuous technological investment we constantly improve the quality of our brands.Read more
Our history dates back to the nineteenth century, when in Bielsko-Biala operated 2 factories - Stock's Distillery of Vodkas, Cognacs and Vermouth (Fabryka Wódek, Koniaków i Vermouthu) the Distillery of Superior Vodkas and Liqueurs - Jerzy Jenkner & Co. (Fabryka Najprzedniejszych Wódek i Likierów Jerzego Jenknera i Spółki). As a result of political changes in post-war Poland both companies merged into Plant of Flavoured Vodkas of the National Spirit Monopoly (Wytwórnia Wódek Gatunkowych Państwowego Monopolu Spirytusowego) in Bielsko, with a branch in Biała.Get to know our history
Our concern and efforts to create the best Polish products have resulted in numerous prestigious awards, which we are particularly proud of.View Awards